Hair Goals: Tips For Keeping Your Hair Healthy and Beautiful

For as long as I can remember the nest that sits on top of my head has always been curly, thick and unmanageable. Over the last year, I have found some amazing tools, tips and products that have helped me to go from hot mess mom to put together (most of the time) mom.

A little bit of background: I would never claim to be a hair professional, although I grew up with a mom who is a hair stylist and lives to do hair. My own degree is in Early Childhood Education and Business—nothing to do with hair, style, or fashion in the least. Though I have always been drawn to knowing and understanding that world more.

Social media has helped with my new found love of taking care of my hair. There are so many beautiful ladies out there that have made it their goal to help others. How wonderful is that? One beauty that I love (and who you should follow!) is Jasmine Snooks of Jasmine Rae Hair Co. She is a true hair professional, and has taught me how to go from an everyday hair washer to a weekly hair washer. She is so beautiful, inspiring, sweet and down to earth.

Let’s be honest, I had always thought that it was disgusting for people to not wash their hair daily. Yet now I am one of those “disgusting” people—and my hair has never been healthier! I recently put up a quick poll on social media to see if anyone was interested in a blog post about hair tips. The result was 100% “Yes!”. These are some tips that I have learned after trial and error that work best for my hair. If you’re patient and willing to try something new, I’m confident that they’ll work for you too!


Water is essential for your body—it’s good for your hair, nails and skin. There is not much more I can say about this except drink water. Drink lots of water. You should ultimately be drinking half your body weight in ounces each day.


Just like water, vitamins are essential for our bodies. I honestly think that everyone should take daily vitamins. If you are expecting, or planning to be a mom, prenatals are an obvious choice. I still take prenatals daily and my son is two and a half! There are many different daily vitamins that you can find on Amazon or you can ask your doctor for a good recommendation.


After months of learning about how to properly care for my hair, I realized that I was washing it all wrong! Washing your scalp is most important, and you should always baby your ends! Vigorously rubbing the ends of your hair will cause breakage and damage to the hair shaft.

Your hair grows from your scalp, and the scalp produces natural oils which we need. Though it seems backwards, washing your hair daily can cause your scalp to over produce oil, causing your hair to be more oily. Scrubbing your scalp with your fingertips and NOT your nails is sufficient to wash all of your hair. As you rinse, the shampoo will travel down the hair shaft, which is enough to clean the rest of your hair. (Jasmine has a story saved on her Instagram that shows you how to properly wash your hair in the shower!)

When applying conditioner, I used to think the trick to having super silky hair was to use more—boy was I wrong! Don’t just plop a huge glob on top of your head and start rubbing it in. Instead, start from the mid-shaft of your hair and work your way down. Then, using whatever is left on your hands, gently rub the conditioner into the top of your hair, working your way down.

Because I often go a week or more without washing my hair, I will typically wash it twice while in the shower. First, I’ll generally use an invigorating mint shampoo to cut out the grease and oil build up. Then, I use a marula-oil-based shampoo to hydrate, revive, and moisturize.

Since you’ll want to keep your hair dry between washes, you’ll need a good shower cap. A shower cap that covers your entire scalp, and then some, helps to keep the moisture out of your hair to avoid frizz and keep those curls or straight hair looking amazing! If you don’t have a shower cap, a simple cotton t-shirt will do the trick.

Hair products

For years, (yes, years) I went through so many different hair products. Some of them would leave me with awful pimples on my scalp. Once one would disappear another would show up.  It was embarrassing, and that was pretty much the only time I was thankful to have a lot of hair—to cover up the ugly scars.

I tried for a long time to find some affordable and reliable hair products that would make my hair feel like silk, smell delicious (even on day seven of not washing!), and that didn’t irritate my scalp or turn into pimple-galore. Then I discovered L’ange. 

L’ange’s hair tools and products are beyond amazing. I use their shampoo and conditioner when washing my hair, and I use their marula oil hydrating spray (and so many other products!) on a daily basis. Even my husband uses some of L’ange’s products.

Their products smell divine and their tools are great quality and beautifully-made. Their pink blush, white, and black color palette is so elegant looking. My hair has never been so happy, silky, hydrated, delicious-smelling, and pimple free!

Blow drying your roots

Have you ever had those nasty white flakes after one or two days of not washing your hair? Let’s face it, the only time it’s beautiful too see white flakes is when it snows. Blow drying your roots will drastically help reduce those unsightly white flakes.

I would also highly recommend getting a heat-protectant spray. Putting too much heat on your hair too often, without a good heat protectant will cause your hair to become broken, dry and unhealthy. I often shower at night and blow dry my roots before going to bed, which allows the rest of my hair to air dry, keeping it healthy and silky smooth.

Good brushes

Brushing your scalp before bed is another step that will help to loosen build-up and reduce flakes. This does wonders for healthy hair growth because it stimulates your hair follicles. I recommend using a brush with firm bristles. If you are starting to get grease and product build-up, brush that scalp and then spray in some dry shampoo overnight. (I find it best to spray the dry shampoo from about six inches away from my scalp.) Detangle brushes are great for brushing the rest of your hair, since they are designed to allow your curls to still stay beautifully intact.

Stretching your wash days

Stretching your hair washing days is not going to happen over night since your scalp will need to adjust to the change. As the days pass your hair will naturally produce oils from your scalp (this is a good thing). The best way to get through those greasy hair days is to buy yourself some good hats and cute headbands.

Since deciding back in April of this year to extend my hair washing days, it has taken me many months of trial and error. Many products, hats, mom buns and cute headbands later, I’ve successfully stretched my hair to seven plus days. It will take some patience, but in the end you’ll love the outcome!

Getting my curls to last for days has also been a learning experience. I have found that when I style my hair, my curls will last longer if I apply product to my hair when it’s wet. Also, taking smaller sections when wrapping my hair around the wand helps heat my hair all the way through, which helps my curls to stay beautiful and luscious longer.

Everyone’s hair is different, some have gorgeous straight hair while others have beautiful, (sometimes frizzy) curly hair. Neither one is better, and with beautiful hair tools and products we can all have the best of both worlds—but not without a little work. I take one day a week were I spend time on my hair. It usually takes me about forty-five minutes. To me, it’s worth taking the time for me to look put together for the rest of the week. As moms we are always taking care of the needs of others, and I know my husband most of all appreciates me taking care of myself.

Take it slow

My advice: take it slow and you be you. If this lifestyle isn’t who you are, then don’t do it. Stay true to yourself while being the fabulous mom, wife, daughter, sister, and friend that you are. I am still learning new tricks each day to better care for not only my hair but for my body. I hope that you have been inspired to change up your hair game even if it’s just buying a new shampoo or rocking that mom bun for an extra day. Always remember, you are beautifully designed.

*The L’ange link I shared has my 50% off discount code on the entire site for items not already on sale that will automatically be applied at checkout .*